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Refusal of Service


**1. Grounds for Refusal:**


   - Perfect Body reserves the right to refuse service to any customer under certain circumstances, including but not limited to:

     - Disruptive or disrespectful behavior towards staff, other customers and/or partnering businesses.

     - Failure to comply with spa rules and etiquette.

     - Non-payment for services rendered.

     - Health and safety concerns as determined by our staff.

     - Booking under false pretenses or providing false information.


**2. Non-Discrimination Clause:**


   - We do not discriminate against customers on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected characteristic, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.


**3. Communication Process:**


   - Refusal of service decisions will be communicated to the customer by a staff member or manager in a professional and respectful manner. Customers will be provided with an explanation for the refusal.


**4. Staff Training:**


   - Our staff is trained to handle refusal of service situations professionally and courteously, with the goal of de-escalating conflicts and ensuring the comfort and well-being of all guests.


**5. Escalation Procedures:**


   - In rare cases where a situation escalates beyond the initial refusal of service, Perfect Body Spa may involve local authorities or take legal action if necessary to protect the safety and rights of staff and other guests.


**6. Record Keeping:**


   - We maintain records of refusal of service incidents, including the date, time, individuals involved, and the specific reasons for refusal, for internal documentation and compliance purposes.


**7. Appeals Process:**


   - Customers who believe they were unfairly refused service have the option to appeal by speaking with a manager. We will promptly investigate and address any valid concerns.





**8. Compliance with Legal Requirements:**


   - Perfect Body is committed to adhering to all relevant local, state, and federal laws concerning refusal of service and anti-discrimination measures.


**9. Review and Update:**


   - This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure it remains compliant with current laws and aligned with our commitment to providing a safe, serene, and respectful environment for all guests.



 **10. Display of Policy:**


- This policy is prominently displayed at our spa entrance to inform customers and guests of our stance on refusal of service.

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